The placenta jab that could ease pain of creaky knees: injection of tissue may help alleviate agony of arthritis
A jab of placental tissue may help alleviate the pain of arthritic knees. The treatment is made from the inner layer of the placenta, which provides the growing foetus with oxygen and nutrients.
Exercise may protect bone health after weight loss surgery
Although weight loss surgery is a highly effective treatment for obesity, it can be detrimental to bone health. A new study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research suggests that exercise may help address this shortcoming.
Is the dawn of the stem cell revolution finally here?
This year, scientists made strides in using stem cells in treatments for human brains, livers, and hearts.
Pig stem cells offer a new way to grow human organs for transplantation
In a new paper published in Stem Cell Reports, Bhanu Telugu and co-inventor Chi-Hun Park of the University of Maryland (UMD) Department of Animal and Avian Sciences show for the first time that newly established stem cells from pigs, when injected into embryos, contributed to the development of only the organ of interest .
What are the best treatments for a bruised or painful tailbone?
The tailbone, or coccyx, is the bone at the very bottom of the spine. A bruised tailbone can be very painful, but various treatments can help relieve the pain.
Regenerative medicine and war: The next breakthrough in treating injured veterans?
The most significant development in recent years for severely maimed veterans and other victims of physical injuries is the acceleration of what’s known as regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine was first defined in 1999 and it encompasses many disciplines of science. Its goal is to provide clinicians with the tools to effectively repair or replace a patient’s damaged tissues and organs in order to return normal function.
Can You Prove You Have Whiplash?
More than two-million Americans suffer from whiplash each year, and about 10 percent of them become permanently disabled. Minor neck injuries account of up to 60 percent of all permanent impairment claims, and over one million people will have chronic pain. Yet, whiplash remains one of the hardest injuries to prove.
Finding hope in ‘wild west’ of novel pain management approaches
While poor regulation and unsafe products are prevalent, novel pain management strategies such as stem cells and electrical stimulation nevertheless provide hope for patients, according to a presenter at the 2020 Congress of Clinical Rheumatology-East.
Upper back pain between shoulder blades: Is it serious?
Poor posture, injury, or problems with the spine can all lead to upper back pain. A common cause of pain between the shoulder blades is muscle strain.
6 cervical pillow options
The neck makes up a small portion of the spinal column. Healthcare professionals refer to this section as the cervical spine. A specialist cervical pillow adds a layer of extra support for the neck while a person sleeps or lies down.